A few days ago Chad and I mad a video of us discussing our experience with the Church of Christ, Scientist in Ogden Utah. it was once a rapidly growing movement through the mid 19th century moving into the early 20th century when membership took a dramatic hit around the time of World War I when necessities of new technologies in the fields of medicine were cropping up. Membership nowadays is about 85,000 worldwide.
They believe in faith healing (apparently that didn't work so well with gunshot wound in the war) and that all that we see, feel, hear, taste, and overall perceive with our rudimentary five senses, that life and even death is all an illusion and that the only real thing is the spirit and God, ironically that is the EXACT opposite of what science is be real scientists.
Our video review can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uVbeEE3A0o&feature=youtu.be
Forgive me for the quality, it was filmed on my computer cam and the sound may not be ideal but I hope all who are curious will enjoy. Cheers!
Find out how I REALLY feel about the Church of Christ, Scientist! I will post the bits and extras that I had to cut out on the review. I will share with you the full story and what was going on in my head. stay tuned for my full on rant.
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